Benchmarks Show Samsung’s S10+ Will Be Slower Than the iPhone XS

Jan 17, 2019

Samsung S10 Credit: Dbsdesigning / YouTube

Ahead of the release of the new Galaxy lineup next month, apparent benchmarks for the Galaxy S10+ model have surfaced on Slashleaks. This is likely only the first of many benchmarks to come, but they do give us a glimpse at the upcoming handsets’ performance.

Put succinctly, the new Samsung Galaxy S10 devices will be fast. But they won’t be iPhone fast.

  • The benchmarks indicate that the device, which sports 6 gigabytes of RAM, clocked a single-core Geekbench 4 score of 3413 and a multi-core score of 10256.
  • That’s actually a bit lower than Geekbench 4 statistics for Apple’s 2018 iPhone lineup. For comparison’s sake, the iPhone XS has a higher single-core score of 4797 and a multi-core score of 11264.

Of course, this won’t be much of a surprise for Apple aficionados. The Cupertino tech giant’s devices routinely outperform similar Android flagships — even if those Android devices appear to have better specifications on paper.

That’s largely because Apple designs its A-series processors in-house, allowing it much tighter efficiency and integration between its software and hardware. That isn’t the case for the fragmented Android ecosystem, where one company produces the software run by a plethora of devices by different manufacturers.

The latest A12 Bionic chipset, which powers the 2018 iPhone lineup, is also a powerhouse. According to in-depth testing by AnandTech, the A12 Bionic nearly outpaces the performance of the best desktop CPUs available today.

While benchmark statistics aren’t always the best indicator of real-world performance, it’s likely that the A12 Bionic is still quite a bit faster than the latest and greatest Snapdragon processors.

Of course, all modern smartphone CPUs are speedy enough to handle most tasks. Unless you’re directly comparing a Galaxy to an iPhone side-by-side, most users probably won’t notice that much of a difference in their day-to-day smartphone usage.

But still, the S10+ statistics may just prove that Apple consistently makes some of the fastest smartphones on the market. And with A13 chips coming later this year, that’s not likely to change.

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