Cars that Care ; Wellness in the Automobile Industry

Nov 17, 2021
On average, we spend over 40 minutes a day in our cars – sometimes effortlessly cruising but mostly, stewing in traffic and stress. It’s not an overstatement to say the vehicle is everyone’s third space after homes and offices.
Technology has kept up with new realities. It’s now easier than ever to stay connected on the road – from dictating messages and checking traffic updates to making reservations and chatting with loved ones. But driving isn’t what it used to be. It’s stressful and anxiety-inducing, to the point where nobody looks forward to it.

Cars of the Future

The pandemic altered the world in every conceivable way. One of its many impacts has been on the automobile industry that found a renewed impetus to introduce cars of the ‘future’ – vessels of passenger health, wellness, and well-being.
Autonomous technology aims to transform how we view cars in the future. Not just a means of transport, vehicles can offer digital detoxes to drivers – forever changing the nature of our commute. Whether through wearables or built-in car systems, technology can ironically help drivers disconnect from chaos.

The Luxury Way

Several luxury car brands already offer clients the option to switch off when inside. Besides freeing up people from driving, drivers can press buttons for a plethora of detox offerings. One of the earliest pioneers is the Bentley Continental GT’s digital displays to aid deep breathing. Jaguar conceptualized a ‘morphable’ seat to combat the effects of extended periods of sitting. Volvo introduced an incredible CleanZone tech that increases air quality inside the car by filtering pollen and other allergens.
Most smart cars today come with provisions to monitor driver health.


Commuting Wellbeing

Wellness offering in cars has an exciting future. From growing research and development around augmented reality to concierge services, we’re just scratching the surface. As a provision, healthcare is receiving prominence across countries, especially in the wake of the pandemic. Besides, changing lifestyles and aging populations necessitate the need to prioritize passenger health and wellness.

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