
How to avoid a Christmas shopping parking ticket

Car park, parking

Parking restrictions can often be hard to gauge, especially if you’re in a rush over the hectic Christmas shopping period.

Some six million drivers were given a parking ticket during the whole of 2017 – many during the festive season.

Preventing getting a parking ticket can be simple, so the AA has come to the rescue with a special video packed with advice, plus some great tips:

Avoid getting a parking ticket with these AA tips:

  • Park within a marked bay: Make sure that both sets of wheels are within the lines and you’re fully within the bay.
  • Read the signs/terms of business and conditions carefully: Whether you’re in a council-run multi-story or a private car park, there will be signs explaining when and how you should park. On many roads there’s no restriction on parking – beyond the basic safety rules in the Highway Code – but where parking is restricted, bear in mind you may have to walk a little to check signs.
  • Don’t park on double yellows, and check signs carefully for restrictions on single yellows.
  • Don’t assume Bank Holiday parking restrictions are the same everywhere: Just because council car parks in your local town offer free Bank Holiday parking doesn’t mean those in a neighbouring town will too. Car park signs should make it clear whether charges apply on Bank Holidays or not.
  • Always pay: Having no change isn’t an excuse; lots of car parks now allow you to pay for parking with a credit or debit card.
  • Take care when using machines which need you to key in your registration – don’t mistake zeros for ‘O’s, and vice versa – the letters and numbers on your ticket need to exactly match your registration.
  • Make sure your ticket is clearly displayed: If you’re leaving your ticket on the dashboard, make sure it’s displayed clearly so that a parking warden can read it easily from outside.
  • If you’ve left it on the top of the dashboard, check that it’s still visible after you’ve shut the door.
  • Set an alarm on your phone or add a reminder using the AA App: Give yourself plenty of time to get back to your car before your time runs out.
  • Assume nothing. Even if other cars aren’t displaying tickets, search for signs and make sure you’re not falling foul of any local restrictions.
  • If you use a Blue Badge, don’t assume that disabled parking is always free.
  • Don’t drop people off at bus stops: You should never stop in any part of the road within bus stop markings unless you are in the flow of traffic or there are signs stating that waiting restrictions are limited and you are stopping outside of those restricted hours.
  • Avoid restricted parking: Unless you are entitled to do so, don’t park in spaces reserved for specific groups like residents, motorcycles or Blue Badge holders.

More parking advice from the AA…

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