
Most Travel-Restricted Places in The World


During WWII, the depository safeguarded the U.S. Declaration of Independence as well as the U.S. constitution. It also held the Magna Carta and other important historical documents. In addition to these sacred items, Fort Knox stored morphine and opium during the war and into the cold war. Synthetic painkillers were not yet invented and the U.S feared being cut off from its source of opium supply. If you’re dreaming of touring the gold mecca, you can add that to your bucket list of “things that will never happen.” In its history, it was opened to the public only twice; once for the news media and the second time, for Congress in 1974. And never again were its doors opened.

Fort Knox, also known as the United States Bullion Depository is located in Kentucky. It is an important part of U.S history. There are many conspiracy theorists who have made claims about what lies inside (think: alien spaceships). What we do actually know about Fort Knox is that it protects America’s gold. Inside the walls of the United States Bullion Depository (also known as Fort Knox) lies 2.4% of all the gold ever refined in history. While that may not seem like a huge amount, it is more gold holdings than any other country. It even gives the United Arab Emirates, with their gold bar vending machines, a run for their money.

Underneath the fortress-like building lies the gold vault which is lined with granite walls and further protected by a blast-proof 20-ton door. Plus, Depository members need to enter several combinations of numbers that are known only to them. Beyond that door there are smaller compartments for additional protection. The depository is fenced off and guarded by a special US Mint Police force and due to its location within the army base Fort Knox, it has even additional security from Army members.

If you are crazy enough to try and break in, you will be met with a dozen different security measures. Tough luck trying to get passed even just one of them. The security includes: alarms, minefields, barbed razor wire, electric fences, cameras, armed guards and for the grand finale, all of the Army units based at Fort Knox have gadgets like Apache helicopters ready at their disposal.

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