The Grossest Food From Every Single US State

Aug 2, 2019

These foods are petrifying

You may be shocked to learn that these atrocious foods from every US state actually exist. Who is eating this stuff, you may wonder? Well, my friend, there are some pretty sick people across the nation who consider the following items not only food, but also delicacies. America may be a confederation, but every state is drastically different from another. In some places, you won’t even feel like you’re still in America thanks to such contrasting cultures throughout the states. If you find this information difficult to comprehend, just see what happens if you tell somebody from North Dakota that their state isn’t different than South Dakota. Best case scenario, you’ll get some spring wheat thrown at your face. Worse case scenario… we don’t even want to go there.

There are so many good dishes that each state is proud to claim as his own. Well, this slideshow isn’t about all of that glory. It’s way more fun to hate on states for the gross dishes they’ve given us. Some of these are pretty bad. You may be familiar with some, and others, you’ll regret even looking at the pictures. All you folks from Ohio and North Dakota must have an inkling at what’s coming your way. What’s true about all these dishes is that they will make your stomach turn. So, get ready with a garbage can next to you because we’re about to give you some pretty nasty regional dishes.

Alabama — Ambrosia Salad

If a time machine ever gets invented I think that the most pressing initiative would be to locate the guy who decided that it would be a brilliant idea to combine pieces of disemboweled fruit with an amalgamation of marshmallows, pecans, and Cool Whip. Wow, was he sorely mistaken.

If we could travel back in time and find this dude, we would do anything possible to stop him from committing this awful crime against humanity. What’s worse yet is that Alabamans love enjoying this indelicacy topped with some maraschino cherries, which if you weren’t aware, these are essentially cherry candies injected with radium after which any sign of actual flavor is extracted from it.

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