The Most Astonishing Underwater Discoveries

Aug 16, 2020

There is so much to learn about the world we live in and so little time! Therefore, time management becomes a priority. If you think you’ve been around and seen most of what the world has to offer, these underwater discoveries will have you thinking differently. Some of them are natural, numinous, and for the most part, inexplicable. Only less than 5% of the world’s oceans have been explored by man, which is a testament to its vastness.

The world’s oceans cover around 80% of the world’s surface. Most of it remains unexplored, virginal blue waters lay hidden in the deep; its origins still unknown to science. As advanced as we think we are sometimes, we are actually clueless. Read further to discover some man-made and natural mysteries of the world’s deep seas.

Yonaguni Monument

These are also known as the Yonaguni Submarine Ruins. Located at the southernmost part of the Ryukyu Islands, in Japan, the ruins were discovered in 1986, when a group of tourism officials visited the area to observe sharks. A large population of hammerhead sharks dwell in the area, and it has now become a popular dive site despite of its strong currents, thanks to the mysterious ruins.

Alamy Stock Photo

The structure looks as if it were terraces, stepped monoliths assembled thousands of years ago for unknown reasons. However, some scientists are not all too ready to abandon the possibility that this could also be a natural formation.

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