The Top 3 Hiking Spots in Japan

Sep 9, 2020

You may not be the only person surprised to hear about the best hiking spots Japan has to offer, and that’s because the Land of the Rising Sun isn’t famously linked to the activity, and is more popular for other things. But it is home to some of the best hiking spots in the world, and you won’t have to fight big crowds just to get an opportunity to hit the best trails. Read on to learn more about these stunning sites.

Iya Valley

The Iya Valley is located within two mountains in Japan’s smallest island, called Shikoku. Hiking there is like a journey back to Japan’s ancient times. Along the mystical trail, you will witness the presence of immaculate forests and pass by golden farms and traditional Japanese cottages. The river waterways are clear and you get to cross over them by walking over an ancient bridge made of grass vine.

Rebun Island

Experience the thrill of being at the northernmost tip of the country, in Rebun Island. This frontier island floats off the coast of Hokkaido, and it has one of the best places for hiking. One route covers the whole length of the knoll, a total of 18 miles of non-stop excitement. It takes eight hours to hike, which the islanders call “Hachijikan haikingu-kosu.” To trek a distance of 18 miles in 8 hours can be quite a challenge for some, but you may manage your course as you please. The best time to go is during the summer when the island’s flowers are in bloom.

Tonomine Highlands

This is an easy trail to follow, and since its location is set in the midst of the country’s richly populated island, many tourists are taken by surprise. After a climb, you can rest at the top of the Tonomine Highlands and watch farmers below at work. If you go in the springtime, where they set the land of Suzuki grass ablaze to promote richer growth in the coming year, the sight can be breathtaking. And after the sun sets, wait for the evenings to see the mesmerizing star-studded sky.

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